Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My very first fORksGY!

I am a fan of The Twilight Saga. I've read the books (4 times), seen the movies (10, 10 & 6 times), immersed myself in the fanfic. I have dogs named Riley & Bella and an entire room of my home dedicated to the glory that is Edward Cullen.

I've thrown DvD Release parties, made You Tube videos, and started this blog. It's a safe bet that the Batshit Crazy Train rolled through my life, and I hopped on, got comfy and ordered drinks from the club car. It was all nice and safe until....

Before I knew it, the train's conductors,

Snarkier Than You


Jenny Jerkface

blew the whistle and shouted
And it was decision time.

Shit, or get off the pot. Take a leap of faith. Run with the big dogs or tuck balls and sit on the porch. Haul ass off the train or buckle up for the ride.

So, when my bloggy besties VitaminR70 & 17ForeverLisa started a campaign to keep me on the train, it took about 1.77245 seconds for me to decide that like Bella, I simply had to go.

Where's the final destination, you ask?

I am going to Forks. I am going to Freaking Forks. I am going to Forks, Washington. THE Forks, Washington.

I am making a pilgrimage to the MarthaFarking Promised Land.

Me, and 70 or so of the craziest TwiTard faithfuls in the known universe.

From September 30th to October 3rd, 2010, Forks, Washington will host a Twi-Revival the likes of which has never before been witnessed.

We will sing Jimmy Buffet hymns.

We will pray that we don't get arrested.

We will cleanse ourselves of sin in the hot tub baptismal font.

We will drink tequila wine from the communal cup.

We will worship the procelain Gods

We will learn the Twilight Ten Commandments.

Some of us might even be inspired to swap speak in tongues.

My heart is open wide.
My soul is eager for enlightenment.
My spirit is ready to soar.  

My liver is ready to filter.